Pagina aceasta conține informații relevante pentru cursul și laboratorul de materia CNMU, predat in UTCluj (secția Satu Mare), semestru II anul 2019-2020.
Curs Din cauza CoVID-19, putem desfasuram activitatea didactică doar online. Pentru o experiența mai eficienta, o sa folosim platforma Jitsi. Puteți intra în curs de pe adresa la ora și data de curs. Este recomandat sa folosiți browserul Chrome sau Chromium (versiunea open source de Chrome). Platforma Jitsi nu necesita crearea unui cont.
This pages gathers all the relevant information for the Robotic Systems Control course, laboratory, and project work. This is course 47.00 taught at Automation department of UTCluj on the winter semster of the academic year 2023-2024.
Lectures You can download the presentations for each lecture below. Check the ’last update’ date on the first slide, to know if the slides have been recently updated.
Lecture 00 (Introduction) Lecture 01 (Mathematical Background) Lecture 02 (Forward Kinematics) Lecture 03 (Denavit-Hartenberg Convention) Lecture 04 (The Jacobian) Lecture 05 (Inverse Kinematics) Lecture 06 (Trajectories) Lecture 07 (Dynamic Modeling I) Lecture 08 (Dynamic Modeling II) Lecture 09 (Controller Design) Advanced Control Methodologies (guest lecture) Lecture 10 (Drone Modeling) Lecture 11 (Mobile Robots Modeling) Lecture 12 (Summary) Some lectures contain animations. These might work on Windows if you are using Acrobat Reader. But if you want them to work for sure, you should switch to Linux and use pdfpc, or PyMpress.